Tag Archives: electronic


We have been busy over the last couple of months. Stealthvape knows that businesses can’t afford to rest on their laurels and we are keen to offer our service in as many formats as possible to make the shopping experience superior for all of our wonderful customers. The latest addition to Stealthvape stable is our Rebuildable SuppliesPowered by Stealthvape” website.

A little bit of politics

“A little bit of politics!” was, for anyone old enough to remember, Ben Elton’s catchphrase on Friday Night Live. For a large number of people now a little bit of politics is a little bit too much – and so this will attempt to be as apolitical as it is possible to be.

As vapers (or however else you elect to term yourself) I’m sure that very few of us are unaware that legislation of some form or other is heading our way. The lengths to which it will impact upon us may vary due to how you vape, what you vape with, where and when. All that we can hope for is that the decisions made are based on sound science, fair and reasonable.

The Fear

I can still remember the feeling of dread washing over me the first time I dismantled an Evod with the intention of doing my first recoil and wick. I can still recall the fear of shorting the battery or flooding or dry hitting. The worry of not being able to do something I’d never attempted before, despite knowing what it was I was embarking on and that I had my Vamo still didn’t help.

I think sometimes we lose touch with that as we proceed through our vaping journey, reaching a level of comfort that stops us exploring further. Clearly some people are natural born tinkerers (a title for a story Quentin Tarrantino rejected) and relish this aspect, for others of us it remains a daunting task.

Winning the ASHes

The Action on Smoking and Health charity (ASH UK) carry out annual reports, starting from 2010, examining the use of electronic cigarettes in the UK. From 2013 the survey was expanded to include children and teenagers. The most recent report was released last week, 24th April 2014.

The research was carried out using YouGov and the sample size was extrapolated to indicate the picture of national habits, opinions and behavioral trends. A total of 14,447 people were surveyed.