Stealthvape Christmas Shipping Dates 2023
It’s the time of year at Stealthvape wherein we celebrate the Fullness of Being, and in doing so Things can start getting a teensy bit weird.
Summoning the Corpulent White Bearded Red Demon of Yule has always been a hazardous art, but we reckon we’re just about getting the hang of it this year.
Maybe. Perhaps. Who knows?
We pride ourselves on navigating Cosmic Disruption adroitly, so we’re deploying contingents to constrain the impending Chaos of Conveyance. Pay attention and avoid unnecessary woes.
The Last Day of Shipping in 2023 shall be Friday 22nd December.
The First Day of Shipping in 2024 will be Tuesday 2nd of January.
Burn these dates deep into your mind.
Whilst we are Cunning Mages and blossoming Warlocks of Wisdom, indeed some things still lie outside of our control. Rest assured we shall be doing all we can to manifest your desires in a timely manner, but Royal Mail would test even the Greatest of Master’s Himself. Your patience may truly well be the pathway to peace.
So enjoy the burgeoning festivities our friends. . As ever, thank you for all your support throughout the year. It really does mean a lot to us. Be happy. Be free and Behave!
Much Love from all at Stealthvape HQ.