Post-truth Vaping

The world opened up to vaping in 2014. Finally, on the back of huge home market growth, vapers took centre stage in news and current affairs. More than that, ‘Vape’ was made word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries. How appropriate is it that in 2016, as vaping faces its greatest challenges in the UK and overseas, the new word of the year is ‘Post-truth’?

Days Since Last Accident

There have been so many vape stories in the media over the last few weeks. And, in almost every case, they are focussing on the dangers and risks vaping poses – dangers and risks of the explosive kind. We don’t sell batteries but we know a thing or two about them so (in the hope that this article spreads a bit of safety knowledge) here is some advice.

The Stealthvape School of Vape

Taking advantage of the government’s policy of letting people with absolutely no experience run an educational establishment, last year we opened up the Stealthvape School of Vape. The school was opened with the education of the children of vapers in mind, although we have had to let in some other pupils in order to make up the numbers. Here is a copy of head teacher’s speech for the new academic year.