Cotton Bacon Prime is the new vaping cotton from wick ‘n’ Vape and is the successor to the world famous Cotton Bacon V2
The new version of cotton bacon, other than having a name somewhat inspired by Transformers promises to wick 33% better than Cotton Bacon V2 which was already a favourite with many vapers due to it’s great wicking capability and clean taste.
Laughing from it’s position on the top shelf at the lowly V2, Cotton Bacon Prime also has updated packaging, guaranteeing that when you take out your wicking cotton anyone of the opposite sex will instantly acknowledge your possession of superior cotton and fall at your feet begging you to “wick them right up, good and proper”.
Cotton Bacon Prime is 33% guaranteed to be 33% more satisfying than it’s predecessor based on market research data from a random selection of 1 out of every three participants *