Monthly Archives: February 2020

Titanium Wire Update

In February we posted a blog article outlining our understanding of the issues surrounding titanium wire, information we felt was important to share due to the growing popularity of the wire and our position as a leading vendor of rebuildable materials. We have continued to look into the subject and would like to update the position to keep you all aware of current developments.

We have been busy over the last couple of months. Stealthvape knows that businesses can’t afford to rest on their laurels and we are keen to offer our service in as many formats as possible to make the shopping experience superior for all of our wonderful customers. The latest addition to Stealthvape stable is our Rebuildable SuppliesPowered by Stealthvape” website.

Harm Displacement

A simple question is posed here: to what extent does harm reduction work; will people not simply displace a set of behaviours with something else of equal abhorrence to Public Health officials?

Harm reduction advocates argue that vaping is an essential tool in reducing harm for those who wish to use nicotine. Those lying behind the opposition to ecigs would prefer a blunter tool that, given the opportunity, would be an outright ban.