Monthly Archives: October 2019

TFR CSV Files For Our Wires

What is TCR or Temperature Coefficient of Resistance?

Every wire material has a specific resistivity. As a wire heats up, its resistance will increase in a predictable way based on its TCR.

TCR for a material is usually measured by the wire manufacturer using MIL-STD-202 Method 304, which uses a series of test temperatures. The first series is 25°, 0°, -15°, and -55°C; the second series are 25°, 50°,75°, 100°, 125°, 200°, 275°, and 350°C. The lowest test temperature in the first series, and the highest test temperature in the second series, are used as two points to create a linear TCR value.


We’re very sorry to see an announcement posted on UK VapeFest’s official facebook page that what would have been the 10th event, VapeFest 2019 event will not be happening.

When Ric, Vapefest’s previous organiser stepped down after the 2018 event the committee vowed to “build upon the legacy and bring more UK Vapefests for the vaping community to enjoy” in their announcement shortly after VapeFest 2018 it seems that wasn’t possible.