Monthly Archives: July 2017

21st Century Misery Solved

Do you remember when everything was Top of the Pops albums and Clackers? Maybe you only cast your mind back far enough to recall Nirvana coming from your sister’s room and the smell of oven chips? Or maybe you suffered a head trauma and don’t recollect Pogs or skateboards or Katie Hopkins? If you fall into the last category then you won’t be moaning about modern life and we are all jealous of you. You are a very lucky person.


When we were younger we had them. Maybe it was Batman? Maybe it was that bloke who used to hang around the park with a bag of sweets? Maybe it was Hans Hollen Nielsen, winner of 22 speedway world championships for Denmark? But we had them, we all had heroes. I don’t know about you, but I’m struggling to picture a scene where a six-year old has a photograph of Martin McKee or Simon Chapman on their wall.