Monthly Archives: October 2014

It’s The End Of The World As We Know It

Vikings, out of all actual cool people that really existed, must top my list of things I wish I could be. Clearly, being a vampire or a person with superpowers would beat being a Viking but we have to remain fixed in reality here. Wanting to be a vampire is just stupid – for a start your shopping experience would be limited to 24hr supermarkets and late-night kebab shops, neither of which carry a good range of blood. No, definitely a Viking.

It’s The End Of The World As We Know It

Vikings, out of all actual cool people that really existed, must top my list of things I wish I could be. Clearly, being a vampire or a person with superpowers would beat being a Viking but we have to remain fixed in reality here. Wanting to be a vampire is just stupid – for a start your shopping experience would be limited to 24hr supermarkets and late-night kebab shops, neither of which carry a good range of blood. No, definitely a Viking.